Join our Cheernastics class where we blend the best of cheer, gymnastics, and tumbling! With two age groups - Ages 4-6 and ages 7-15 - students will learn the basics of cheerleading, including motions and jumps. Gymnastics training primarily focuses on the tumble track and floor exercises. Additionally, students will work on dance (cardio dance warmup &/or fun pom choreography), enhancing their dance and choreography skills.
We encourage taking more than one class a week, whether combining Cheernastics with gymnastics or tumbling, to accelerate skill development.
It's a fun class for cheerleaders and gymnasts alike!

Each session begins with a warm-up, followed by rotations including tumbling, jumps, motions &/or dance. We will work on progressive tumbling using the spring floor, tumble-trak, air floors and pit,
mini-tramps and other equipment.
Flexibility, agility, coordination and motor skill exercises are integrated into the class curriculum providing students with a strong development base for any sport they may choose to pursue.
We prefer to maintain a wholesome, value-centered, educational approach to our classes. Our focus remains on safety, teamwork, relationships and the amazing health benefits of gymnastics & cheer.